July 25, 2019  /  echernier

This training has the purpose to bring knowledge, tools, resources and facilities to researchers or any person practicing Research Data Management (RDM) in the specific cases of researches based on qualitative data. Global RDM concepts as FAIR Principles, Open Research Data or the Data Life-Cycle will be addressed, and practical considerations like Data Management Plan conception and funding demand will be directly related to qualitative data management.

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July 25, 2019  /  echernier

This training day will be dedicated to Research Data Management in the case of researches dominated by the use of quantitative data. Practice characteristics and appropriate tools will be studied for the different research data life-cycle steps. Also, the impact of quantitative data on the creation of data management plans will be part of the lessons. Three different workshops will take place during the day, respectively dedicated to quantitative data capture with REDCap, global quantitative data management with Renku and reuse of quantitative data from open research data repositories.

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July 23, 2019  /  echernier

What is Open Access ? What are its challenges ? How to publish scientific results while being compliant with its philosophy? What are its pros and cons? This training is divided in two parts. The first part will be mainly based on theorical approaches, funders and HES-SO requirements, and different ways to publish in Open Access. The second part, mainly practice oriented, will review existing scientific journals, authors' right problematic, possible negociations with publishers, the institutional archives ArODES and the importance of ORCID digital identifier.

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