The vast majority of world-wide neuroscience research funding is spent on the collection of unique neuroscience datasets. These datasets are usually used in a single lab for a small set of papers and then archived, never to be used again. If a small fraction of this data could be reused for new science, it would represent a massive cost savings for funding agencies. While funders attempt to push in this strategic direction, Open Data is neither the norm nor is it well appreciated in the Neuroscience community. The Human Brain Project (HBP) is attempting to solve this in their HBP Platform development. While still under heavy development, the HBP is currently operating a collaborative, open neurodata ecosystem with an active, diverse user base. As HBP works towards the establishment of a European Infrastructure with strong Swiss leadership, the lessons learned and strategic choices provide insight on what approaches work in neuroscience and by extension, what approaches and tools might help to catalyse Open Data in other domains.