Our overall objective is to facilitate data management for researchers by building bridges between expertise from various libraries, computer and research departments.

Pierre-Yves Burgi
Project Director
Pierre-Yves Burgi is Deputy CIO, heading the unit for development and integration of IT solutions within the Information System Division of the University of Geneva. He is particularly involved in the e-research and e-learning domains. He is the initiator and director of the DLCM project which started in June 2014.

Basma Makhlouf-Shabou
Project co-Director
Since 2010, Basma is a full Professor in the Information Sciences Department at Geneva School of Business Administration (HEG, HES SO) where she is responsible for Archival sciences domain. She has been involved in the DLCM project from phase 1, leading the training, consulting and teaching track. She holds a PhD in Information Sciences from the University of Montreal (School of Library and Information Sciences, and a Master’s degree in Public Records Management. She was senior records manager at National Archives of Tunisia. Her research focuses on information value; information quality measurement, research data governance processes and tools. She is also active in several national (Infornomics; QADEPs; RIO) and international projects (InterPARES; Africa Program, ICA; PIAF). She is now co-directing DLCM 2.0.

Lydie Echernier
Project Coordinator
Lydie has an information specialist background and is the coordinator of the DLCM project. She facilitates the implementation of the outcomes of the DLCM project and designs tailored services for researchers at UNIGE and in other Swiss institutions, engaging both experts and users in the policy-development process, creating technical and training documentation, raising awareness and promoting good practices and international standards for an inclusive approach to data management, preservation and sharing.

André Jelicic
Business Analyst
André is heading business modeling activities for the DLCM project. He is supporting data management experts in their effort to develop viable national services. Besides, he is a lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences, HEG Geneva, where he teaches Lean Startup, Data Analysis and Computer Science as part of the International Business Management Bachelor Program. André has over 10 years of experience in designing new services. He has worked on innovation projects for companies ranging from early-stage startups to established global businesses.

Hugues Cazeaux
Long-term preservation
After an engineering degree in Computer Science, Hugues worked in several software companies during the last 20 years, introducing and practicing agile methodologies. In the last decade, Hugues acquired expertise in the archiving & record management domain. He is currently heading the e-Research Team at UNIGE and actively contributed to the design of the DLCM solution for long-term preservation. He currently leads the development and implementation of the institutional data preservation solution of UNIGE and of the DLCM national solution.

Martin Jaekel
Open Research Data pilot projects
Martin is Head of Research and Development Unit at ZHAW. He holds a Ph.D. in Life Sciences from the University of Cambridge. Martin represents the ZHAW in the second phase of DLCM project as a member of the management board. The ZHAW acts as an early adopter of DLCM national services and as a contributor to the development of these services.

Andreas Fürholz
Open Research Data pilot projects
Andreas is research associate at the Research and Development Unit at ZHAW. He holds a degree in Life Sciences and Mechanical Engineering. Andreas represents the ZHAW in the second phase of DLCM project as an early adopter of DLCM national services and as a contributor to the development of these services. He supervises a large range of pilot projects from all disciplines at ZHAW and participates in the co-creation of the DLCM Research Data Management Portal.

David Gold
Developer and UX Analyst
David is a member of the DLCM Development Team and a Software Programmer at the University of Geneva. Responsible for the user interface overhaul, he investigates user experience design requirements, performs usability tests and conducts focus groups with researchers from Swiss universities, and analyzes the results to gauge the researchers' experience when using the DLCM technology. David also facilitates the operation, integration and continuous optimization of the solution and service delivery based on user feedback.

Silas Krug
Training and Consulting
After he obtained his Bachelor in Information Sciences in 2016 at Geneva School of Business Administration (HEG, HES SO), with a specialization in archival sciences, Silas successively worked as a collaborator at Addax Petroleum, handled the choregrapher Manon Hotte’s personal archive holdings and worked as an archivist in the Transports Publics du Chablais before to become Prof. Basma Makhlouf-Shabou’s assistant for the DLCM project. In this context, his work is related to the set up of professional services, what led him, among others, to take part to research data collection and analysis workshops’ management. He is currently mainly working on the RDM experts database monitoring and on the development of e-learning formations on research data.
Silvia Meroni
Training and Consulting
Silvia is in charge of the training activities and the multilingual consulting services of the DLCM Coordination Desk. She holds a master’s degree in information sciences at the Geneva School of Business Administration and one in English literature and media studies at Università Cattolica (Milan) and has multiples work experiences in public and private institutions, in Switzerland and abroad. She is Assistant at the Information Sciences Department of the Geneva School of Business Administration (HEG, HES SO). Work domains and research interests : research data management, information security risk management, Open Access monitoring.